Scalp fungus

Open scalp sore? If blood tests check out, other sources of stress such as the death of a loved one, major weight loss, surgery, a car accident or major infection and illness can cause a massive shedding months after the incident — a condition called telogen effluvium. For instance, a survey conducted by Survivor Corps found that nearly 68% of 1,700 COVID-19 survivors that were interviewed reported experiencing hair loss in the wake of their coronavirus infection. “Actress Alyssa Milano even recently took to Twitter to describe her experienced with COVID-19-related hair loss,” notes Dr. Lenzy. Age can also play a role: As estrogen levels decrease between childbearing age and menopause, so often does our hair. Years of bleaching, dyeing, straightening, perming and rocking tight, slicked-back hairstyles can also catch up to us. The issue of hair loss is obviously complex and takes proper medical attention to figure out.

Dandruff. If your scalp is dry and itchy and you see flakes on your hair or clothing, you may have dandruff. How to get relief: If you have dandruff, using a dandruff shampoo and scalp treatments can help. You can find out how to get the best results from these products by watching the short video, How to treat dandruff. Dandruff often causes visible flakes on the scalp.

Scalp Sores can be aggravating! There are several causes of these, however the most acknowledged one is bacteria deep in the scalp and hair follicle. Most traditional drug store and salon hair care products actually aggravate this condition since the high ph lends to bacteria proliferation. Read how Zincplex Scalp Products help! ZincPlex Conditioner – same purifying ingredients in the shampoo however it continues to work long after the application since a little bit is not rinsed out. The Extra Strength Version is our best seller and is designed for quick and effective results! Double the ingredients that make a difference and you get twice the results! Discover even more information on bleeding scalp sores remedy.

The cause: This is basically inflammation of the hair follicle caused either by a bacteria (most commonly a staph infection) or irritation from shaving, heavy conditioners, potent hair dyes, and excessive sweating. It will mostly likely appear as little pus bumps scattered throughout the scalp that look similar to acne. The bumps can sometimes feel sore. The treatment: A doctor suspecting folliculitis may perform a culture to check for bacteria. If a microbe is causing your scalp woes, a topical or oral antibiotic will be the best treatment option. “If there isn’t an infectious agent present, then anti-inflammatory medications, such as steroid creams can be effective'” says Christine Ko, M.D., associate professor of Dermatology and Pathology at Yale School of Medicine.

The Scalp Balance System™ must be in harmony for good hair health. Read more about the amazing products and zinc pca treatment options for most scalp problems ranging from symptoms of dandruff to dermatitis as well as oily scalp, & more. Zinc PCA has been scientifically proven to work! The cause of most hair & follicle problems are from an out of balance, clogged follicle – wrong ph on the skin – that results in fungal and bacterial growth and more resulting in… Find even more information at