High quality cat accessories online shop 2022

Premium pet apparel online shopping US? At MissyMoMo, we aim to provide the proper gear for your cat to venture outside. We believe every cat deserves an opportunity to step their paw out and explore the fabulous outdoors, to live out all nine blissful lives. The products we offer are carefully selected to ensure safety and comfort for your fur baby to enjoy quality outdoor time. A fun and outdoorsy experience will not only give your kitty the pleasure to see and smell things as they crave, but it will also strengthen the bond between the two of you. After all, while walking your cat seems to be a good idea, consent from your kitty should always come first when deciding whether to go for a walk or not. Discover more information at cat harnesses.

Give your cat time to adjust to their surroundings: As long as your cat is used to spending time in their harness, they shouldn’t mind if you take them to an indoor place. The problem arises when they notice that they are in a new environment. Your cat may feel uncomfortable when they see people walking by or other dogs passing by. They may also feel intimidated by noises that they have never heard before. That’s why it is important that you give your cat time to adjust to their surroundings before you go any further.

Go to the beach: Your cat will love running by the waves, playing in the sand, and watching as people swim nearby as long as you keep them hydrated with fresh water. Avoid going into the water because cats tend to be poor swimmers and could drown if they go too far from shore. Bring toys for your cat to play with and keep them away from children throwing balls at each other in case one hits their face or causes them to panic. Many cats love to nap in the sun, so set up a comfortable place for your cat outside. Make sure it’s in the shade, though, since heatstroke can be fatal. If you have an older cat or one who has health problems, ask your vet to recommend outdoor playtime and use extra caution in hot weather.

Practice walking indoors: The best way to acclimate your cat to a leash and harness is to practice inside, in a safe environment. Before you head out, consider practicing walking your cat indoors on a harness and leash first to help them get used to wearing one and walking with it. A cat who has never been walked on a leash will need time to get used to the idea. The key to success is patience and consistency. Get your cat used to a carrier: You should get your cat used to their carrier well before you plan on taking your cat anywhere. Put the carrier in a room where your kitty likes to hang out — with treats inside — and let them investigate it at their leisure. Once your cat is comfortable with that, try closing them in for short periods of time. Gradually increase that until you’re able to put them inside for longer periods without them freaking out.

Avoid bumps and potholes whenever possible: Cats are very sensitive to motion sickness and can easily become nauseous when riding in a car for long periods of time. This is especially true for older cats or those who have never traveled much before. If possible, avoid driving over rough roads as much as possible to reduce the risk of motion sickness for your cat. If there are no other options than driving through rough terrain, stop frequently so your cat can get out of their carrier (after all, we don’t want them getting sick from being jostled around too often). See additional information on https://missymomo.com/.