New Enzo Zelocchi project announced: A Crypto Tale

A new Enzo Zelocchi movie make known publicly: A Crypto Tale: A story based on true events where a group of criminals have been targeting victims using dirty, corrupted Los Angeles Sheriff deputies to kidnap and rob victims in the Los Angeles area. In the heart of Los Angeles, a new type of criminal had emerged – the crypto criminal. These criminals were tech-savvy and had found a way to exploit the rise of digital currencies to their advantage. Their modus operandi was simple but effective. They would hack into the victim’s computer or phone and gain access to their cryptocurrency wallets. Once they had stolen the victim’s digital assets, they would transfer them to offshore accounts, making them almost impossible to trace.

The case sent shockwaves throughout the crypto community, highlighting the need for increased security measures to protect digital assets. The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department implemented new measures to prevent corruption and ensure that their deputies uphold their duty to serve and protect the citizens. The deputies, who were supposed to uphold the law and protect the citizens, had become tools for the gang’s malicious intents. They would intercept the victim’s car, posing as officers on a routine traffic stop. Once the victim stepped out of the car, they would be ambushed, handcuffed, and thrown into a waiting van, never to be seen again. Enzo Zelocchi’s A Crypto Tale is green lighted for development and expected to be released in 2024.

Without a doubt, Enzo Zelocchi was never a single-lane kind of guy. Spending his youth in the glamorous city of Milan, Italy, the handsome young star-to-be quickly moved into modeling before stepping into motion picture, first in Advertising campaigns and then in television. As a youth, he showcased his range being cast as a villain in an Italian TV drama. However, in the background, he was also studying hard, refining his understanding of accounting and marketing—moves that would doubtless serve him later.

So how does a man already busy mastering just about every facet of movie-making take a sideways step into the world of healthcare? It was during the creation of his self-penned 2010 movie My Little Princess that Zelocchi first began to feel a tug in a second direction. Zelocchi cast himself in the film as the father of a terminally-ill girl battling late-stage cancer in modern America. While researching the role, Zelocchi came face-to-face with the nation’s healthcare shortcomings and felt the brutal strain of parents trying to guide their children through the inadequate system for himself. At the time, famed documentary maker Michael Moore had just released Sicko, a deep-dive into the gaping holes and financial exploitation that runs rife in medical care in the United States. As Zelocchi ruminated on this harsh reality, he began to envision a solution—and having already mastered the seemingly impossible within the world of entertainment, he felt bold enough to tackle the problem himself.

Of course, Enzo Zelocchi shares the drive to be both behind the camera and in front of it with fellow Hollywood stars Gosling and Gerwig, who have both historically written, directed, and starred in their own creations. In this area, Zelocchi is unquestionably a veteran, with numerous films under his belt realized in such an unusual multi-faceted capacity. Titles like My Little Princess (2010), Mantus (2014), and Angels Apocalypse (2015) come to mind. Not to mention the artist’s most recent vision, No War (2022); a project set in war-torn Ukraine for which Zelocchi cast a real-life child Ukrainian refugee as his heart-wrenching co-star.

Enzo Zelocchi successful actor

Dubbed the next Elon Musk meets Jeff Bezos, Enzo Zelocchi is on the path to destiny to change the world and by being a producer, director, writer, and actor, just to name a few. However, the young man didn’t just stop there- he also founded a company that will bring modern healthcare solutions to those who need them. ‘Forever hustling’ is the actor’s current mission, with Zelocchi being busy with writing, traveling, and creating projects. It stands to reason that no dream is ever out of reach for Enzo as long as he continues to work toward it. Read more information on Enzo Zelocchi.

The climb of a successful actor : Enzo Zelocchi: Enzo Zelocchi and A-Medicare: The entrepreneur’s latest project is not in the entertainment industry but in healthcare. The launch of A-Medicare serves as an example of Zelocchi aiming to simplify medical complexities in the healthcare business. The inspiration came from the movie ‘My Little Princess’, where it was revealed that the healthcare system is difficult to navigate, especially for those who have a terminal illness like cancer. A-Medicare was launched as a solution to provide reduced costs and greater convenience. New and modern technology, including blockchain cryptography and machine learning, was introduced to make quality healthcare more affordable and viable. Zelocchi intends to launch the system to the whole world once it gains ground in the United States.

Hot Enzo Zelocchi – “NO WAR” – Trailer published: Many actors have a technique to help them get into character. Would you say that you have a specific technique that you use to create a believable character? Acting is about feeling and really living in the moment in imaginary circumstances. You need to feel your emotions in order to be believable. Remember: Focus, Relaxation and Confidence. Create memories of your character. Always ask yourself: Why? When? How? Make a playlist that can help you to jump into character faster. Always believe in yourself and your character. Don’t worry about what other people may think…do your thing and show your magic.

Zelocchi dreams of higher-quality healthcare not just in the US but the whole world. To achieve this, he founded A-Medicare, a healthcare platform that’s innovative and made up of different technologies. During the filming of ‘My Little Princess’, Enzo realized that not a lot of people have access to healthcare, and sought to change things in a positive manner. A-Medicare is billed as the ‘Amazon for Healthcare’ and encompasses a range of different functions. At the heart of the platform are blockchain technology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to help people heal and get better from their condition. It’s going to be a federated system available worldwide. Enzo intends to spread it globally in hopes of making a centralized healthcare system for all.

We are all one and with love and common sense, we can get things done. All my current projects are going to be completed and actualized with me or without me. Changes are inevitable and the best is yet to come,” he added. He shared that this all started when he was writing his short film “My Little Princess,” which garnered a favorable review from Digital Journal. I got started down this path of research when writing the ‘My Little Princess’ film, released in 2010,” said Zelocchi. “Considering the plight of a father whose daughter has terminal cancer, I had to take a close look at what the options are like for real people in similar situations. It broke my heart.

Which talent did you discover first about yourself, and then what came next? I have had a good instinct for business since I was young. The arts come in second, but I immediately connected with it. I literally merged together with my business skills with acting and that’s how I was able to naturally be an actor and producer at the same time with a deep understanding on both sides. It helped me a lot because the entertainment industry is a business and just being very artistically talented is not enough nowadays. Once you’re in Hollywood, you become a product that needs to sell. Waiting around for your agent to call you while you’re busy at parties is not going to take you far.

The Latino/Hispanic market has been very neglected in my opinion. From a cultural standpoint, strategically, it’s pretty well structured to be inspirational for young people. I’m more about empowering people. That’s what I believe that people who work in entertainment – besides entertaining – should also be role models. Let’s talk about The Source. What is the premise and what is your character? Enzo: That one is more Mad Max meets The Crow. The character, basically, is an alien with a humanoid body. He is there to train and protect the next generation of warriors against space aliens that go from planet to planet to destroy. Since my character’s planet has been destroyed, he and the oracles are hiding on Earth and training these kids. Obviously, they have to find these kids, fight corruption of local politicians. It’s like a post-apocalyptic scenario – obviously more around destroyed cities and travel between parallel dimensions. See extra details at

Zelocchi spoke about working with master photographer Bjoern Kommerell. “I love that guy,” he said. “Bjoern knows how to direct you and he gets me. The quality of his work obviously is way above average. He is top-notch, and one of the best. He has a great heart, he is a loving person and he genuinely cares. He loves to capture random moments and I love how he plays with lights. His amazing talent is being able to capture the ‘real you’ in the moment. Bjoen is one of a kind.” For his fans and supporters, he said, “You surprise me every day, especially when I receive certain fan messages that impress me and move me. I feel really honored and touched in my heart.”

From time to time, don’t we all just find ourselves wishing that a dashing lycra-clad superhero would swoop in and solve our most pressing problems? Certainly, anyone trying to navigate the minefields of the contemporary American healthcare system probably shares that thought. From costly consultations to runaway bills and extortionate prescription prices, the nation’s medical status quo could definitely use an overhaul.