Top rated anti-aging mineral water provider

Excellent silver mineral water online shop: Beyond its already acknowledged health benefits showcased by the amazing dietary supplements crafted by GoldenGevity, this process holds the promise of revolutionizing multiple industries, driven by meticulous Research and Development. These transformative impacts are poised to extend into various sectors, including: Material Sciences: The utilization of atomic particles through this process could usher in an era of innovative material engineering, unlocking new frontiers in material properties and applications. ​​Quantum Sciences: The intricacies of quantum mechanics could be further explored and harnessed, potentially leading to profound advancements in computing, communication, and more. Discover a lot more information at gold mineral water online store. No Chemicals or Herbal Catalysts: No chemicals or Herbal extracts are ever used before, during or after the production process.

Backed by EPA research (CASRN 7440-22-4), which confirms the non-toxic nature of Silver Minerals. Unlike Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver, our Atomic Particle solution ensures safety and efficacy. GoldenGevity’s Trace Minerals are unrivaled “Atomic Crystal Minerals,” boasting an impressive size of 0.1nm, showcasing purity and potency. Our Atomic Particles penetrate cells effortlessly, offering unparalleled health benefits. Furthermore, their atomic nature allows them to easily penetrate taste buds, potentially imparting a salty or citrus-like taste.

Skin Care – Due to its ability to regenerate cells and restore their normal elastic properties, colloidal gold solution is used topically as an ointment to treat various skin problems such as eczema, fungal infections, skin rash, wounds, skin burns and many more. It is also used as an ingredient in anti-aging skin care products. Treatment of Cancer – Colloidal gold is also being used in alternative medicine to treat certain types of cancer such as prostate cancer and ovarian cancer by injecting minuscule amount of gold into the patient’s body in order to control growth of cancerous cells. Treatment of Addiction – It has been used to treat alcoholism in the 19th Century and in modern day it is used for treating nicotine, drugs and caffeine addiction.

Ample daily hydration is critical to our health. In fact, this is a rampant issue now as studies show that over 75 percent of Americans are dehydrated. As 60% of our total body weight is water and all our organs depend upon proper hydration to function, drinking plenty of water is one of the most vital ways to optimize good health. But doing so safely, effectively and sustainably is now more important than ever. Plastic pollution is wreaking havoc on the entirety of our ecosystem and the numerous contaminants present in both tap and bottled water are simply too dangerous for consistent consumption.

Gold has been shown to facilitate the transmittal of electric signals in the body, meaning it could have a positive impact on brain health, memory retention and focus. With proper application and additional research, it may even be used in treating neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s. However, there is not enough evidence to support that applying colloidal gold topically or consuming it has the same effects as the naturally produced element. There also isn’t enough support to show that the body needs to replenish its gold supply, or that colloidal gold is the way to do it.

We conducted some more quality control tests. In one test, we found it to be quite challenging to convert monatomic gold back into its original state of metallic gold. Special circumstances were required for the transformation to occur. We put our Monatomic Colloidal Gold with an 18000 PPM concentration into a container and exposed it to extremely high voltages. Simultaneously, a magnetic stirrer was spinning continuously in the container, the results proved that our monatomic trace mineral colloidal gold attracted to a magnetic stirrir pill, and solidified back to gold, gold does not react to magnetisim, but in this case it defied the standard science. Read a lot more info at

Supports burn and wound healing – Colloidal gold may promote cellular generation, which aids in healing surface wounds, burns, and even deeper tissue damage. That’s part of why it’s such a prominent ingredient in many topical skincare products and extracts. Not only that, but it’s been shown to have antibacterial properties, which decreases the risk of infection. Topical usage may also help treat rashes and certain skin conditions such as Eczema.