Premium fastest distributed ledger protocol platform right now with Tectum

Best fast distributed ledger protocol platform today by Tectum? The SoftNote is the flagship product of the Tectum blockchain and is regarded as the first ‘transactionless’ payment system boasting truly instant payment capabilities and a zero-fee policy for an end-user. A Transactionless payment is defined as one which does not involve a recorded transaction on a blockchain. The SoftNote has adopted many traditional ‘physical cash’ elements, for example, a Bitcoin SoftNote bill can be printed on paper, does not require a confirmation from the Bitcoin network, incurs no fees, and has no geographical boundaries. Therefore, the SoftNote can be used as a means of person-to-person payment or sent over any messenger application as a picture file. Unlike physical cash, however, a SoftNote is secured by a passcode rendering it useless to an unauthorised possessor. SoftNotes make it possible to implement traditional ‘Physical Cash’ liberties into a payment procedure by isolating a sender from the recipient as they replace a “transaction” with a ‘handover’ process. Find extra details on

Blockchain is a decentralized trust-less digital environment regulated by Consensus Protocol which maintains the integrity of the entire system enabling peer-to-peer interaction among its participants (nodes) as well as a hard-defined balance between transparency and anonymity of every digital event (transaction). Consensus Protocol is the backbone of the network as it governs how all the events are managed and issues are resolved, therefore the approval of multiple nodes is required in order to validate each event on the network. The communication between nodes is governed by Network Protocol because nodes are normally located distantly from each other therefore the block-data is subject to all kinds of slowing-down factors. Network Protocol establishes and maintains connections between all the participants of the blockchain and is its most vulnerable components and bottleneck. The drawback of blockchain systems is their strong reliance on the network protocol which limits how fast the entire network of nodes distributed throughout the world gets updated, the situation worsens if the Consensus Protocol policies overload the network with redundant data. This inevitably leads to congestions and high network fees.

As blockchain has expanded into the mainstream consciousness, so has the opportunity to work in the blockchain industry. You could work for any of the hundreds of blockchain currencies themselves, or for other companies or industries looking to take advantage of the blockchain boom. In addition to developers, blockchain companies need to hire for all the other roles of a growing business, including marketing, human resources, and cyber security.

Tectum™ is a distributed ledger protocol platform that employs the proprietary record change signature management algorithm. Our technology exceeds 1 million transactions per second, and provides instant event status delivery and ownership updates across the blockchain network along with distributed levels of access to functional system modules. Instead of storing the data directly in the blockchain, Tectum stores hashes that are mapped back to the original data stored at a lower level. This isolates the heavy transaction-related data from the main pipeline by hashing, encrypting and signing the bundles at the end of every transaction and archiving it.

TET’s market value can never be smaller that the least valuable Tectum commodity. This exclusive membership represent our commitment to continuously deliver price breaks and other useful tools within our network. Tectum economics utilize our ability to reduce transaction delays which regular cryptocurrency users would otherwise incur using similar services. Our core competency product revolves around a superconductive virtual environment, delivering more speed and savings. Discover additional details at Tectum.