Recommendations to choose end of tenancy cleaners in London

Best end of tenancy cleaners London advices? Dab stains with a cleaning solution and a clean cloth, paper towels, or a sponge. “The key is blotting. Blotting puts a small amount of pressure on the stain to soak it up,” Tarbox says. “Rubbing causes the particles to get ground into the carpet fibers, and this can lead to the premature breakdown of those fibers.” Always blot from the outside of the stain inward, as blotting outward can spread the stain.

Make a natural scented vinegar cleaning product to help around the house: Mix one part white vinegar with one part water to make a basic household spray (great for anyone suffering from allergies as it’s so gentle). Can’t stand the ‘fish and chip’ smell? Add some fresh herbs to the mixture – sage is particularly clean smelling, but you can experiment with anything that’s growing in your garden really.

We at Citi Clean are well aware of the requirements for inventory checks and our extensive end of tenancy cleaning checklist reflects the cleanliness standards required by major London letting agents. We have carried out thousands of end of tenancy cleaning jobs in London for more than 7 years. We will help you get your deposit back. The end of tenancy cleaning is a thorough cleaning of all rooms, electric appliances, furniture and fittings in your property. Read additional details at Best End of Tenancy Cleaning.

Anti-microbial treatment: The cleaning itself will kill most mold, mildew, yeast and other microbes, but it is practically impossible to kill all of them. The anti-microbial treatment creates a hostile environment for these microbes to reproduce and spread and will help control odor problems, extend the carpet’s useful life, and provide considerable relief to allergy sufferers. Anti-static treatment: Static electricity often becomes annoying in the winter, when heating systems dry out the air in our homes. Carpet manufacturers have responded by developing new finishes, fibers, and backings that prevent the build-up of static electricity. If you are having a problem with your carpet, the easiest, best, and healthiest remedy is to increase humidity with a humidifier.

A few cleaning tips: If your vacuum is set too low, you can damage the carpet as well as the vacuum’s roller brush and drive belt. If it’s set too high, you won’t pick up any dirt. To set the vacuum’s ideal height, raise it to its highest setting, turn it on and lower it until you can feel the vacuum trying to tug itself forward as you begin a how to clean carpet project.

If you’re a tenant moving out of the property, you are normally required to have a professional end of tenancy cleaning. At Citi Clean our team is highly motivated and dedicated of what they do, and are always on the go to deliver the best value for money. Why don’t you book our carpet and upholstery cleaning combined with end of tenancy cleaning and save up to 10% off. We offer great discounts by incorporating all of our services in one. Or maybe you’re moving in and would like to see your new home nice and fresh. Let us spring clean your property, take care of your carpets and upholstery and to say thank you, we’ll give you 10% off. Explore extra info at