Medical weight loss health services Merritt Island today

Body shaping and aesthetic services Merritt Island today? EMSCULPT NEO builds off the legacy of its predecessor, EMSCULPT, by simultaneously emitting both radio frequency and high intensity electromagnetic energies. Due to the radiofrequency heating, the muscle temperature quickly raises by several degrees. This prepares muscles for exposure to stress, similar to what a warm up activity does before any workout. In less than 4 minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e. fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed from the body. Clinical studies showed on average a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat. The end result is more fat reduction and muscle growth, than any single gold standard product, for less time and less money. Find even more info at

Cellulite is a multi-factorial problem. Women are told fibrous bands run from skin to muscle through the fat. When the bands pull downward on the skin, the fat pushes upward. But there is more to the story… EMTONE simultaneously emits both radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy. Combined there is a synergistic effect that neither technology can achieve on its own. EMTONE is ideal for anyone looking for non-invasive cellulite reduction and overall improvement of skin appearance and physiological function. Consult with your nearest provider to find out if EMTONE is right for you.

Bitter orange extract: Bitter orange extract is found in citrus fruits such as Seville oranges and contains synephrine, a stimulant with effects similar to ephedrine, according to a 2012 study. Because of this, the makers of bitter orange extract patches claim it can help to lose weight by helping to burn more calories and fat, as well as by suppressing appetite. However, the study concluded that these effects are minimal and further research is still needed. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an ancient herb that has been shown to potentially help alleviate stress and anxiety, which can lead to mindless eating, or “stress eating,” says Dr. Seltzer. While studies have shown that it can reduce levels of cortisol (a.k.a. the stress hormone), this isn’t a guarantee that it’ll help you drop pounds.

But, can you get a facial after Botox? The answer is no. Facials and massages put pressure on the same muscles that received the Botox injections. However, doctors advise not to apply pressure to the affected areas within the first 24 hours. This means that a massage or facial is the last thing you should think about after Botox. You wouldn’t want the injected neurotoxins to diffuse into the surrounding areas, would you? Plus, massages and facials can’t be complete without you having to lie face down at some point. This goes against the advice of experts that you should be on your feet for several hours after the site injections. Also, avoid touching your face for as long as possible after the procedure. This can be very tempting every time you look in the mirror. But resisting the temptation will lead to better results.

A consultation will allow our provider to conduct an examination and determine proper treatment. For example, you may require a fine needle aspiration or incision and drainage. In some cases, drainage is collected for bacterial cultures and other laboratory testing. If an infection is present, antibiotics may be provided to fight the bacteria or prevent future onset. During the appointment, our provider will cleanse the site before the procedure. Local anesthesia is used to reduce discomfort. Then, a thin needle is inserted directly into the site. Any fluid or pus accumulation is drained through the needle.

One of the most notable benefits is convenience. If you are struggling with an acute issue such as a respiratory infection or a sinus infection, you can usually be seen by a primary care provider almost immediately. This is beneficial for anyone who has a health issue and needs to be seen quickly, rather than waiting to be seen by a specialist. If you have more severe complications that require the assistance of a specialist, your family doctor will be able to refer you to the right physician. In many cases, the referral will allow you to be seen by the specialist much sooner than if you were to try to schedule the appointment on your own. Read even more information at